By completing this survey you give your informed consent to participate in the study.

A research team at the University of Birmingham is investigating what opportunities PE teachers have to engage in Continual Professional Development (CPD) . To this end, we have designed a short, online survey to:

  • explore what CPD opportunities PE teachers engage in (both in and outside their schools);
  • understand the nature of CPD impact on their practices and as well as pupil learning; and
  • explore what can be done to improve the quality and effectiveness of the available CPD provision.

We understand that teachers have many calls on their time. This survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and we would be grateful if you could forward the link to other PE teachers in your department. It is important to secure a high response rate in order to be able to draw safe conclusions about current effective/ineffective CPD opportunities and to inform policy makers and CPD providers. No personal information is required and all responses will be anonymous.